30 December 2011

Wrapping Up 2011

I'm going to feed two birds with one scone here and give you a 2011 wrap-up that will also serve as a get-to-know-me post, since, you know, I've been on The Blogspotter for about two weeks and change.

January - the month of no sugar. Photo from http://www.catesnutrition.com/sweet-deception/

Started the year off in style with a 1am drunken barefoot run to Qdoba in Lexington, KY with a bunch of camp friends. First Master's practice back I got promoted to Lane 6 "and promptly died" (I am still struggling in that lane today!). Turned 27 and celebrated with a long solo road ride, complete with nosh at The Wolf (best granola bars eva!). Gave up sugar for this month (except my birthday) and was really encouraged by how I felt - try it sometime!

February - Bonk Hard Chill 12hr AR. Arriving at the wrong checkpoint and realizing we have to turn around.

Celebrated my 1-year anniversary of orienteering with a women's win on the red course (and 4th overall) at SLOC's Cliff Cave meet. Reinforced that "a bad day in the woods is better than a good day on the couch" at the Bonk Hard Chill 12hr AR. Won my age group and was 7th overall female at Castlewood Cup 15k. Bought a Garmin 310XT, named it Rover, and hired my first coach. Also made friends with one of my favorite training partners - Megan!

March - Red Course as part of Gateway Grunt weekend. Big mistake at 4 and bigger one at 6.

Kicked off my first month as a coached athlete with nearly 80 hours of training! Experienced my first MAF test, first flop swim, and last indoor soccer game. Put new blingy wheels on the mountain bike with the help of Ballwin Cycles. Spent a weekend in the woods at S-F Ranch to help SLOC put on the Gateway Grunt and learned that red courses can school me.

April - swimming outside in Denver. Photo by Sonja W.
Jetted off to Denver for a weekend training with FPC. Was really getting in a groove with training when I tripped on the sidewalk, fell, and busted up my left knee. I didn't alter my training that weekend and it ended up costing me big - basically put all running on hold for 2 months.

May - Mission 18hr AR with Bill and Mike. This is prior to the world premier of Mike's muskrat song.

Despite a hurty knee, raced the Mission 18hr AR and got to swim for a CP, I was so stoked! Made some visits to SLIR and BJC to figure out what was going on with the knee, and didn't find out much. Finished 3rd female at ICCP MTB race and shared the podium with some speedy ladies. Started OWS-ing with Big Shark at New Town. Also at the end of this month I moved apartments for a cheaper and quieter place!

June - Grandma's Marathon, mile 24. Finished just under 5hrs! Photo by Mom.
Knocked out some great training rides in St. Charles and my first swim-only race at Sunnen Lake (2.0 miles in 61 minutes, no wetsuit). Flew up north to participate in Grandma's Marathon, my first attempt at 26.2mi, and stuck to my run/walk plan to save the knee. Started in the B race at Dirt Crits and tried to set a new max HR record (200).

July - STL's women's mtb scene is incredible.
Had an MRI which finally revealed a bone bruise on my patella. Evidently it's an injury that just takes time to heal and I was cleared for all exercise. To celebrate, I signed up for Ironman Couer d'Alene 2012 with AR teammate Mike and started the tater craze, now there are 20+ St. Louis triathletes racing. Rode 119 miles with some of the taters, my longest ride ever. Participated in Team Rev's Women's MTB Clinic and learned lots. Also spent my first of many hours doing repeats on Woods.

August - after Pigman I got to hang out with my cousins! They were awesome cheerers! Photo by Mom.

Spent a super training weekend in Branson with some fine chicas and got to preview a gnarly 70.3 course! Triathlon race season began late for me with Pigman HIM (S36:33, B2:50, R1:56, T5:27:58) , where I got to enjoy family and club support. It wasn't the best race ever, but no major disaster!

September - Branson 70.3, running in a huge rainstorm!

Realized huge gains in the pool and PR'd my 1000y TT by almost a minute - 15:29! Started tweeting. Raced Branson 70.3 (S35:55, B3:30, R1:51, T6:01:19), which qualified me for the 2012 70.3 World Champs...and turned the slot down. I will have other fish to fry next fall, and hopefully they will taste like adventure racing.

October - not my Halloween costume...my kit for ITU LC WC! Photo by Christy C-S.
Put in one last big month of training before my A-race, inspired by receiving my Team USA kit in the mail. Got to stalk my coach to a 10:08 Kona finish! Went to Toronto for work and enjoyed my first poutine as well as a few beautiful lakeside runs. Went back to Denver for another mini-camp, this time with my bike! Competed in the US Orienteering Relay Champs, first time on a map in awhile, and our team got third! After that, it was time to rest up before the big showdown.

November - ITU LC WC. Photo by Jason D.
Flew to Las Vegas for ITU Long Course World Champs. Executed everything to plan except...the swim was cancelled, and I experienced big IT pain on the run. So, at least the bike and the first 3/4 of the run went to plan. Came home, and slept lots. After emerging from what seemed like a 2-week nap (with a 5k thrown in there for fun), ran with Mike in SLOC's Turkey-O in prep for next month's off-road adventures.

December - putting it all together for a solid race at Castlewood 8hr AR.
Quite possibly the best month of racing I have ever experienced. Started off with a sweet 3rd-place overall finish at the Castlewood 8hr AR with Mike. Backed that up with an 11min-PR (good for 2nd AG and 8th OA female) at the Pere Marquette Endurance Trail Run. Backed that up with a women's win at Possum Trot XV. I was so pumped about these results I just had to start this blog! Then I got to return to Minnesota for Christmas and did my best to enjoy the atypical weather.

That's all for 2011 folks! It's almost a wrap! Now get outside and enjoy the last  few hours (and training opportunities) of the year!

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  1. What an amazing 2011! The Team Rev mtb clinic was awesome, and you had a super impressive year otherwise, too. We were at several of the same events, but sure not in the same class! :)

    Happy New Year!

  2. You have had a great year. May 2012 be awesome for you

  3. Yep, you could say I have some adventures planned for 2012. Kate, are you doing the Chill?

  4. No Chill. Unfortunately, my son has a volleyball tournament in Chicago that weekend, and I skipped the last one for Castlewood. I should be at LBL, though.

  5. YAHOO! 2012 is gonna be a blast :)
